
The Workout

One of the most essential qualities in athletics is speed. Just as athletes learn to kick, throw, catch, and shoot, they must learn the proper linear and multidirectional speed techniques. This improves performance and, more importantly, enhances injury resilience.

Every workout is designed to follow a specific sequence, optimizing performance while avoiding over-training. The main objective is to improve movement efficiency using the tools and philosophy we apply. Workouts become progressively more challenging after mastering fundamental movements and basic techniques.

Pillar & Movement Prep

Drills are crafted to improve flexibility, mobility, core strength, and coordination while decreasing the risk of injury.

Explosive Power

Jumping, hopping, throwing, landing, and deceleration techniques.

Linear Speed

Drills are designed to enhance acceleration, deceleration, transitioning, and top speed, emphasizing injury prevention.

Sprint Training

Timed sprints force you to run at your maximum effort, which helps improve your sprinting and reduce the risk of soft tissue injuries. Starts and accelerations can enhance lower-body and upper-body strength abilities.

Multidirectional Speed

A progression of movements designed to improve deceleration, lateral and rotational movement, direction change, and agility.


Drills that help you move fast and efficiently on a curved or weaving path in an unbalanced body position. Learn how to apply slight shifts in body angle to control your center of gravity.

Relative Strength

Increase the ability to generate power, control, and move your body through space.

Work Capacity

Enhance the ability to maintain high levels of effort for more extended periods during competition.


Introduce & practice techniques to build mindfulness and to improve focus